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Photo of Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - thinlizzypl20
Photo of guitarist Gary Moore of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - tlgm776
Photo of guitarist John Sykes of Thin Lizzy in concert in 2004 - tljs044bw
Photo of Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - tlp772
Photo of musician Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - thinlizzypl7a
Photo of guitarist Gary Moore of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - thinlizzygmbw7720
Photo of guitarist Scott Gorham of Thin Lizzy in concert - tljs044
Photo of Gary Moore and Scott Gorham of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - thinlizzygmsgbw772
Photo of Scott Gorham of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - thinlizzysg12
Photo of Gary Moore and Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - tlgp774
Photo of Scott Gorham and Brian Downey of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - tlsb775
Photo of guitar player John Sykes of Thin Lizzy in concert in 2004 - tljs042
Black and white photo of Gary Moore of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - thinlizzygmbw777
Photo of guitar player Scott Gorham of Thin Lizzy in concert - lizzy42
Photo of guitar player John Sykes of Thin Lizzy in concert in 2004 - lizzy35
Photo of musician Scott Gorham of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - thinlizzysg11
Photo of drummer Tommy Aldridge of Pat Travers and Ozzy Osbourne in concert - aldridge0011
Photo of Randy Gregg, Scott Gorham, John Sykes and Michael Lee of Thin Lizzy during a photo shoot in 2004 - thinlizzy044
Photo of guitar player John Sykes of Thin Lizzy in concert in 2004 - thinlizzyjs36
Photo of Gary Moore of Thin Lizzy in concert in 1977 - thinlizzygmbw774
Photo of John Sykes of Thin Lizzy performing in concert in 2004 - tljs041
Photo of drummer Michael Lee of Thin Lizzy and Page and Plant - thinlizzyml0453
Black and white photo of John Sykes of Thin Lizzy in 2004 - thinlizzyjs35bw
Photo of drummer Tommy Aldridge of Pat Travers in concert in 1979 - traverstabw793