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Photo of Tom Scholz of Boston playing a Gibson Goldtop in 1978 - scholz781b
Sepia tint black and white photo of Brad Delp of Boston onstage in 1979 - bostonbdbw791
Photo of Tom Scholz and Barry Goudreau of Boston in concert in 1979 - bostontsbgbw792
Black and white photo of Tom Scholz of Boston playing a Les Paul in 1979 - bostontsbw793
Black and white photo of Tom Scholz of Boston playing a Goldtop in 1978 - scholzbw781
Photo of Brad Delp of the band Boston onstage in 1979 - bostonbdbw795
Photo of vocalist Brad Delp of the band Boston performing onstage in 1979 - bostonbdbw791
Black and white photo of Tom Scholz of Boston playing a Les Paul in concert in 1979 - bostontsbw794